Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Serial dilution of TTX (tetrodotoxin)?

It depends on what degree of dilution you need and how much. If you need 1ml of each dilution then you need to work out whether to go to 0.01, 0.001 ect or perhaps 0.1, 0.05, 0.001 etc As soon as you know your dilutions and you know how much you need of each then say it is the first example I have mentioned then you use the equation c1V1=c2v2 where 0.01* 1ml= 0.1*= ? and then make this your next standard and dilute this one rather than always from your original stock, Its better to do it in implemants. Perhaps get a chem book of solutions and dilutions to go over this as it can feel confusing but it is basically simple math and practise.

Can i test an Amplifier.....?

You should test the amp or get an agreement you can return it if it doesn't work. Be conservative with the speakers- don't hotrod them or they will get fried. Listen for quality,not pressure.

What do you say about the fox news story about the pentagon?

Funny I watch Fox and never saw that "story". I doubt its true both the story and the idea Fox reported it, Sounds more like something MSNBC did.

Picking up women at clubs? What to say?

You are the typical type of intelligent guy that is good at communicating clearly with words, but doesn't know how to create chemistry with body language. Creating romantic chemistry is a whole different way of communicating that is much more primal and animalistic than what you are used to. A nerdy type of guy can learn to do this, but it will not come as natural to you. Ironically, the dumb primitive jock guys have a better handle on this type of communication, because they are used to using their posture and facial expressions to control people and establish dominance. I'm not saying you have to act like a jock. I'm saying, you have to learn how to just look a girl in the eye, and show her that you are fearless and direct about your "romantic" intentions with her. You can't talk a girl into liking you. You can't give her a list of accomplishments or attributes and expect her to get turned on by it. It's all about how you create a chemistry with body language, your tone of voice, and sincerity. Women don't decide to like a guy after yzing all the facts. Women get a certain feeling about a situation, then they come to a conclusion based on how they feel. They are a completely different animal than men.

What wrestlers lost their name, gimmick, etc. by joining WWE?

What guys became well known outside of WWE but then signed with WWE and weren't able to use the name/gimmick that made them famous after they left because WWE bought the trademark?

How 'bout them Bears?

They could be a playoff team if they mirror this effort they showed tonight. No, I'm serious. They were clic Bears, they scored on specialteams or defense, forced turnovers, and their offense was EFFICIENT and did NOT turn the ball over! If they can do that, coupled with the D's intensity and good coverage, they could be a wild card, or challenge for the NFC North title. However, injuries on defense have really hampered them the last couple years.

I am a human being, and you, what are you?

The world is a place that is so f*#ken disgusting we live our lives for ourselves, and to hell with those of whom hold nothing that will bring anything of any significant value to our lives. In all honesty we should be ashamed of ourselves. We were once a collective society now we are driven into an individual society. I was born a human being, and then I learned that I am black man, a South African, hell even an African. If you think segregation is a thing of the past well think again, because there one segregation that still lives and it is in our minds, all those things that I learned, which race I am, which country do I come from, which continent I live in. All those things are put in your minds to make you forget the most important thing, and that is we are all human beings. If any discrimination of any kind is to end we should stop focusing on our differences and start paying attention to our similarities, because at the end of the day we are all humans. I am not a black man, a south African even an African I am simply a HUMAN BEING through and through. Nothing more nothing less.

Was OJ wrongfully convicted?

NO he had his chance to stay clean but no he had to go and muck things up he deserves everything he get .once lucky twice c-a-u-g-h-t

Haircut idea for guy with long hair/bangs?

Ahh :) I love your hair haha but I'd say your haircut suits you well, but you can trim it a bit if you want, but other than that, it's perfect!

What are the reasons for you to get up so early or stay up so later?

For me I need to recompose and refine the third edition of my Y!A question "What I should do on my first date with Miss Dance-In-Rain?".

I want more milk in my ?

i started off bottle feeding and then went into feeding her but stopped because i was having sore , and now i want to feed her fulltime even if its painfull coz i think nursing her soothes her, but when my baby sucks on it, its like shes not getting enough.shes is 19days old. she prefers milk then formulas n wont drink much just 1 n 1/2 ounce every 2 hours.

Question about scents, oils and spices?

I love using my ceramic oil diffuser/burner, and my favorite oil is one that the Body Shop sells every Christmas season called Gingerbread. (I actually buy it super cheap*after* the holidays, so I can use it year round!). Anyhow, this is the first year I went out and bought cloves, ginger, nutmeg and other spices for holiday baking, and I loved the smells that overtook my house when I used them. As much as I love the scent of my gingerbread oil, I'm wondering if there's some way I can literally spice it up a bit more. Maybe by adding some dry spices to the water in the top of the diffuser, or adding them to the oil itself. I really don't know much about scent creation, so any help I can get is much appreciated, especially with it being Christmas Eve and all :)

Projectile Question Help?

a href="http://www.physics247.com/physics-homework-help/projectile-motion.php" rel="nofollow"http://www.physics247.com/physics-homewo…/a

Help- ADHD/existential depression/something else?

You should try an anti-depressant my friend. I just finished a 7 month adventure on one type called Lexapro. I was just like you and after a few weeks of taking it, I felt like the real me. I also wen't through group therapy which sounds lame but it actually provides a ton of relief when you get to talk to people that are having the same experiences!

I cant get over my ex!!!....?

I really like this one guy named Paul, but he's dating my best friend Angela, she really likes him too but shes practically rich and she thinks she can buy everything, yet i cant even buy myself a new phone, and he's not rich either, point is, she has everything and my parents are extremly strict, so the only thing i had left was him, and now he's taken, we went out like 5 or 6 months ago, (lsince last March) and we went out like 6 times, all because my friend kept telling me that he was saying things behind my back when we got into fights like she sais that he told his friends that I have problems, so she texted me he's breaking up with you but he never said that i had problems or that we were breaking up!!! So now she keeps kissing him at school and he's KINDA over me, he still says hey and stuff but rarely, please give me advice on what to do!! there is this one boy named Jimmy, should i date him just to get paul jealous?? winning advice that gets me and paul back together gets 20 points!!! Please help!! I LOVE YOU PAUL SVOBODA!!!!

What is is this song from across the universe?

In the movie, what was the name of the song that sadie sung by herself (without jojo) and she was doing a lot of screaming and hair flips.

Income potential for psychologists with psy.d?

i am going to enter a doctoral program in the fall and suddenly am worried about student loans vs. repayment/income potential. does anyone have close affiliation or first hand knowledge of incomes of people with the aforementioned degree? (please don't tell me to look at statistics online. i've already done that and don't think they accurately reflect). thanks for any input.

What in the _ is wrong with me?

So i work with this guy and he is pretty nice. He has had is heart broken before and isn't actively look ing for love. Same goes for me. Now that i've briefed you here goes my dellimma(sp). I knew him in highschool i knew he had a slight crush on me. Been working together now for a good 5 months and have hung out once though he often asks when im free. Up until a month agao i would have said that i wasn't feeling him too much and up until a week ago, because we have been flirting heavily for a month now (not just one sided anymore), i would have said he was just possibly someone i could have some casual no pressure fun with. Someone i wouldn't think about too much. But a week a ago he went away and i suddenly found myself missing him intensly. im constantly thinking about him even outside of work and antisipating his return. Im wondering what in the H E double Hockey Sticks is going on here. Do i really like this guy this much or am i just infatuated? Is it too soon to tell?

What to do in Kansas City for New Years Eve?

I'm in KC for New Years and have no idea what to do...I don't want to spend a lot, but want to go out and have a good time. Any suggestions?

What if there was an undiscovered color suddenly... Discovered!!!?

Probably won't happen to us, our eyes can only see so much of the light spectrum, everything we see is what we will always see. But I think that new colors could be found a super-band frequencies.

How do I find people interested in buying or publishing my poems without I paying them money?

I have really nice peoms about love, friendship, betrayal, war, and i have alot of fans amongst my friends and fellow students from my highschool and i actually think i can make big with my words. I would check for the websites but at end they would ask me to give money for them to publish my own work. PLease if you have any information on how i should go around with this please reply to this question. Thank You

Spencer tracy had a son and i think he was deaf, is he still alive and what is he doing?

No, his son John Tracy died at age 82 in 2007. He was deaf, having suffered with Usher Syndrome, a genetic disorder that left him deaf and visually impaired. In 1942 his mother founded the John Tracy center which provided free care for children afflicted with hearing impairments. Despite John's handicap (and becoming blind later in life) he seems to have lived life to the fullest. He married, had a son and lived his dream of working in the cartooning department at Walt Disney studios.

What do you do when you need to memorize something?

You should try memorizing a small portion daily. Keep practicing and practicing til' u get it. Im very bad at memorizing also but I learned to just memorize a small part every day. I struggled a lot memorizing my multiplication tables but my mom helped me, she told me the problem and the answer and I had to repeat it until I finally memorized it. You should try that. Tell someone to help you study a part at a time. Well hope it helps!

I cut myself on rusty metal, should I worry about anything?

Today I cut myself on some rusty metal, it bled, but I put iodine on it right away and covered it with a plaster. Do I have to get a tet booster (or anything else) or will I be ok? (It's only a little cut)

Monday, November 14, 2011

What's the most random song you have heard on the radio lately?

I was driving upstate yesterday and picked up a station that I can't get at home. It was playing " Somewhere Over the Rainbow". The original Judy Garland version from the 1930's. After that was over, they played " Hi-o, Hi-o, It's off to Work We Go" from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. I thought I had went back in time.

Shouldn't my doctor be doing more?

I can see your concern, and unfortunately; No one on here is going to be able to help you. You need to seek out another doctor, or possibly the Emergency room to clear your worries. He doesnt sound too concerned, but this could be to make you less nervous or something like that. Please please please seek a 2nd opinion!!!!

What should I do about her and how should I proceed with her, if at all?

I have been running around for a few years since my divorce and was in it for the fun. Fun aside, I want pure love this time around. I met a doctor with a great smile online. We met for drinks, and she told me a funny story about her sister then said " please don't tell her if you meet her". then said I like the nickname you gave me..her name is Samatha, I called her Sammy Cat..she said its so cool, call me that name again..she and I acted (role played) like we were married. we spoke of traveling to New Mexico on a day drive and all the wonderful things we would do. She said she would be in a sun dress and I would be looking handsome in a summer suit. We laughed, we held each other, but she did not seem to want to kiss. She told me she had to go to work that night so she had to leave soon. She showed me her cell txt messages from her boss so I would believe her. I said I want to see you again..I said " ya, I ume we will go out again" she said, you ume hu???? smiled and said we'll see....She then had to go, I stayed behind. she txted me about five minutes after she left to say, thank you for a good night..then mentioned that the line to get into the longue was around the corner. we spoke about how slow the night seemed..I did not answer the txt, and had one more drink and went home..I like her, BUT did not like the " we'll see" comment about going on futher dated. I don't want to seem anxious, but also don't want to play games. I do see many many women as I am single, but like her and feel we could have something..what should I do. Thank you all and have a great summer

Can these shoes be used for volleyball?

well, a lot of people use shoes that really aren't meant for volleyball. Any shoe can be used, but, if you want a good performance its best to get volleyball shoes. Most people use asics, mizuno, or nike.

I need a book recommendation!?

The last song by nicholas sparks this author is a genious !!! the movie lowered his rep! but u should really read the book it is AMAZING

What is ur favourite cinema treat?

Popcorn? ice-cream? a bar of chocolate? hot wings with hot sauce oysters? Fried rice? cheese fondue? jambalaya? steak? soup? ribs? Greens? beans? milk?

If Southern DEMOCRATS were responsible and supportive of slavery then why..?

if people wanted to celebrate the heritage of the south, then they should acknowledge their part in the history of slavery. I get the fact that there is much to celebrate in the southern way of life and southern culture, but to sweep the slavery question under the rug by calling it a "tired old argument" is dishonest.

What is your reaction to the ping of Chris Packham?

We all know the cause (despite it being unreleased) but the news is profoundly Saddening nonetheless. I will best remember him from his stint on the really wild show alongside Terry nutkins. So sad, he was no age.

UNIVERSITY 09 baby!!!! ?

ok guys where are you all going?? i'll be in liverpool john moores or leeds doing criminal justice if you need me =]=]=] im excited. but then again i should do some revision to actually get in

Can I sew a satin edge on a crochet baby blanket and would it be the same way as any other material?

Yes! It would be very nice. Make sure that you pin it in place while on a large flat surface (like the floor or a table) as that the blanket is not stretched.

"Buk-ing" the system. Will you contribute yours?

Hi.. Justice is a temporary thing that must at last come to an end; but the conscience is eternal and will never die.........I am unjust, but I can strive for justice. My life's unkind, but I can vote for kindness. I, the unloving, say life should be lovely. I, that am blind, cry out against my blindness. Vachel Lindsay

I'm Due Today...?

I have been having braxton hicks since yesterday but there not painfull my stomach just tightens up and gets real hard for like a min...i'ev been losing my mucus plug for like 3days now and i'm 1cm...does this mean things will get started later on tonight or will i go over my due date

Bearded dragon question...?

Ok I might get a BD soon I'm gonna get some rocks from outside boil them for ten minutes. Would a 40 or 45 gallon be good enough for a bearded dragon? I plan on feeding him crickets and Phoenix worms I was gonna order 250. Crickets online and 100 Phoenix worms. Sound good? Also what kind of UVA and UVB lights do I need and what temp do I need for the aquarium? And how often should I Change the bulbs?

Nursery songs and lullabies?

I'm having a hard time remembering songs that I grew up with, so I end up just making up words and combining tunes. I know it doesn't matter to my baby, but it irritates me! What songs do you guys remember being sang, and do you know of a website that has the words and tunes of all the songs?

People have said to have strips of cheetah print you use celery as the stamp does that actually work?

okay so people say you use celery as a stamp, you dip it in the dye and then stamp it on your hair. does that workk? like if you had that done then please answer thiss! and a step by step thing would be cool too (:

What is the easiest way to crochet a checkered blanker (2 colors)?

I would make a bunch of squares in black and white and then sew them together with yarn and a tapestry needle. That would be the easiest way, I think. There's a bunch of free square patterns on the internet (www.crochetpatterncentral.com) that would work great.

Negril vs. Playa Del Carmen?

My soon-to-be wife and I are looking for a honeymoon ins October. We were interested in Couples Swept Away in Negril, Jamaica until we went to see a travel agent. She showed us some amazing resorts in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico. Now we are unsure about our honeymoon. There are great deals right now on trips to Mexico due to the economy and the swine flu media frenzy. My question is, are we better to go to the glamorous, big, fancy resorts in Playa Del Carmen or go the the modest, quiet resort in Negril. We will be spending ten days and mostly hang out on the beach and do a few activities. We are worried about being underwhelmed at CSA. We could get a much nicer room in PDC however I have heard that Negril is nicer and more romantic. Any opinion is welcome, we are really stuck and want to make the right choice. Does the food in Negril compare to PDC? Also we have been to Cancun before and want to stay away from the Spring break vacationers , from what I have heard PDC is nothing like Cancun. We would also like to have the option to see shows at night-time. I have also heard that the "boutique" hotels in PDC require that you get up early to secure a good spot on the beach (under a Pallapa) and are more complicated when it comes to dinner reservations. What do you suggest? We definetly want to have the best time possible.

In terms of air pressure,dew point,and relative humidity:?

when air temperature becomes equal to dew point vapor pressure becomes equal to saturated vapor pressure and relative humidity becomes equal to 100%. therefore condensation occurs and cloud forms.

How satisfied are you with your local Emergency room department?

Unless you have an internal organ on the outside of your body, or a limb that is no longer attached, all ERs 'suck'. That's just how it is.

Pendulum physics????????????????

A pendulum with a string of 15 cm and a hanging weight with a m of 5g is held at distance from the center. Find the preiod, potential energy, max. velocity, normal force, and force of swing in the x direction. convert all measuremts to meters and kilograms first.

I accidently connected the headphone output of my pda to the speaker output of my PC. Can this damage anything?

The music was playing at the time and I turned up the volume because I could not hear anything (obviously). I am just wondering whether this incorrect usage could damage the soundcard or motherboard by sending signals into places where they are not meant.

Boy's Secret santa gift?* 10 points*?

so we are doing a secret Santa at our lunch table at school and i got my crush wow. so i have no idea what to get him. i don't know if this matters but he totally knows i like him and he likes me back ALOT.i was going to get him an ornament that's a surf board that says his name cus he surfs. he also skates. i really don't know what to get him please help.

When using thawed milk, is it ok to mix one day's milk with another...?

...even if the dates are weeks or months apart? My daughter was unable to eat for a couple of months while she was in the NICU but I pumped. Now I have a freezer FULL of frozen milk in my garage and I'm just wondering if I can just go in and grab a few bottles to thaw, or if I have to be mindful of the dates. I understand to use the oldest first and not to keep it for more than 6 months since it's not in a deep freeze. Thanks!

Should i accept this trade from the mavericks in nba 2k10?

i am playing as the clippers and the mavericks have offered tim thomas and kris humphries for DeAndre Jordan. i am in my first season. should i accept it?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Does anyone know where to go for an unsecured personal loan for people with bad credit?


Can You Read This and Tell Me What You Think?

ok so he or she is in a hospital? really great :) i think its really suspenseful and a good cliffhanger got me interested right away :)

Dell inspiron 15R or Dell Studio 15?

Although they are both excellent laptops, the R has the edge, prely because it a much newer machine.

Christian View of Harry Potter?

What is your view on the Harry Potter books and movies? I'm 14, a Christian, and I really like the books and movies. My mom waited until she believed I was old enough to watch the movies, and then read the books. I'm not bashing people who don't really want their children involved in Harry Potter. It's their choice. However, I am getting sick of other Christians looking on Christians who DO like the books/movies as sooo bad. I believe that you should wait until your child is old enough to be firm in their faith and know that witchcraft in the real world is evil and against the Bible. It's all in WHEN you introduce them to it. I think I was about 11 when I started to (but I am quite mature for my age). I mean come on, it's only books and movies, Christian parents should be more worried about violent video games. And look at Lord of the Rings, it has wizardry in there, as well as the Narnia books. So why don't those get a bad wrap? I just don't get it.

Loud t or knocking noise coming from my 95 z28 camaro?

my car is making a t kind of noise, or knock, when i try to burn out. i'll put it this way, i stop, then all of a sudden i floor it, tryin to skid my tires, the noise comes up. i think it comes from the back of the car, not really sure.thanx

What is going on with me? Please read.?

Ur insecure. That is not a good thing to show especially in front of your partner because that's a turn off. Get your confidence back, buy something y to wear and strut your stuff and get compliments that's all you need hun :)

Will you still believe your husband will keep his promise to be faithful if he cheated on you >10x?

being angry is no reason. bet he woudnt think it was ok for u to cheat because u were angry. think about your kids and get the hell out before u do get a std..just because u leave dosnt mean your kids wont have a father wise up he doesnt love you. get out. good luck

How come Bush hasn't been impeached yet?

He's done things alot worse than Clinton or Nixon. Lying about war is alot worse than lying about . Plus all the other things he's done like waterboarding, Guantanamo Bay, Wiretapping, etc. It's sad that he's still in office.

Girls if you woke up one morning and you ? BEST anwser gets points?

Girls if you woke up one morning and you walked outside and on your porch there was a whole civilization of little people no bigger then ants and they had their own community and such, lifestyle, houses boats, etc, what would you do? Would you intervene and tell them they are going to be crushed unless they obey your every command and you are their god from now on? Or would you let them be? Would you have certain ways to punish them if they don't obey you like sticking them in your shoe for the day? What kind of things would you do to reinforce them they they will obey you no matter what? Would you give them wind by farting? lol

Advice on the NBA and fantasy league?

Without a doubt go with Noah, I have been playing at one point with Kevin Garnett out, and Brandon Jennings and Brandon Roy out for a while and I am still at the top of my league. Just make sure you play the others when they have a game.

Why is Reincarnation disregarded by Christian religions?

Wow, this is a great question. I love it when people make me think about something I never would have imagined on my own. I myself believe in reincarnation and it is cool to see some idea of it in the Bible also. Don't let the deadbeats get you down, it is funny to see those who take a version of history that they approve of as absolute truth and call everything else lies when there is so much misinformation out there about any subject. How can anyone know that one source on a subject 1500 years ago is more reliable than another when we can't even sort out the lies of yesterday?

What is Isilo?

After I buy a PDA, should I buy Isilo from the internet for me to read something in my PDA?can you please explain further...

Is a blackberry considered a pda?

The phone minutes are shared . You can get either shared(30.00) or separate(20.00 each) messaging plans .The internet access is not shared and has to be purchased for the one it is to be used on.so with two pda's you will have to get two pda plans.

9/11 an inside job?

This is getting so tired and old. I think I am now officially done with responding to this nonsense.

Does anyone in Barbados wish to take a holiday here in Birmingham, England? We could discuss swapping homes fo?

We could discuss swapping homes for 2 weeks? We will treat your place as if ir were our own and you do likewise. I can give you all the information that you require for a great time here - just ask.

Who started the whole getting lite stuff?

because i went to new york in my cuzin tought me how to do it i learned fast but i live in atlanta. so when i got in atl i thought my crew the dance so we started doing it at school but i thought them the dance this summer after i learned it so six mouth later everyone at my school is doing that stupid dance i just wanted to know who started that stupid dance and where it came from in dont tell me nyc want to know where in nyc

Buying new PC... Buy now or wait until Windows Vista is more established?

I think that you should get it now because they have the updates every month that are exactly the same. Of course it's not going to be perfect at first like any OS. Go ahead and keep your order.-im not too sure about gateway though..hope this helps!

Cannibalism in Commercialism?

Okay chicky , the mascot for chicky meal (some kfc meal package for kids) is a chicken so why the hell does he/she encourage other people to eat its species? Same goes to other food mascot. Why don't they just substitute the mascot with some carnivorous animals like lion or tigers??

Can you fail the seventh grade by failing two cles?

i am a hoover middle school student in seventh grade.I am failing math, social , and spanish i am almost ping social but i know i can not p math or spanish i hate to say it but i have to. I want to p but i do not know how to at this point of the year.In spanish i have a 6% and in math a 45%. I can really use ur help. I have one question. How do i p the seventh grade. I would appreciate the help i am in desperate need.I do not want to cheat i just want to p . Help me please. give me some answers thank you. :( :(

Global warming and Ozone hole project. Please Help!?

Hi i'm doing a project for chemistry and its about the recent protocols to help curb global warming and the Ozone hole. Does any1 have any information on this? It would help a lot.

What's your religious IQ?

You base religious IQ in part on American political events and structures. Not all of us have Bush's speeches memorised!

Do you believe that Mary Magdalene was really included in the "the Last Supper" photo?

If i didn't read the "Da Vinci Code", i would never have any idea and be compelled to check and re-examine the "The Last Supper" carpet hung in our dining walls.

What is the best age to take the pacifier away?

Take it away before 14 months, right after you wean the bottle is a good time. If you wait longer it makes it that much harder. SD

Swine flu or not?????

im not one of those people who are freaking out about the swine flu but today i woke up feeling not so well. I have all the symptoms of the flu and a temp at about 99.6 degrees.

Songs to describe Hitler or his Ideals?

am having to complete a movie maker project on a leader/ dictator. I have Adolf Hitler and need to have pictures and music. The memoir needs at least 20 pictures but needs to be about 3-4 minutes. the problem is that my teacher doesn't understand that we just complete a personal video memoir with about 60 or so pictures in another cl and those were only 2 minutes. so i need about two pictures to put in the background. They don't need to be about HIM but if there are about his IDEALS then that would really help. Thank You(:

What aresome awesome military commanders?

Hmmm you've included many who a military historian would call a fool. As well as a few who were more just figureheads used to boost morale. You're forgetting some of the great battlefield generals of the 18th and 19th centuries. There are too many to list and your list needs punctuation!

How much does it cost to go to England-Plymouth and how many hours?

i live in machusetts and i want to go there for my quince yeah but my dad wants to know how much its gonna cost so yeah

Why is it bad to restrain free trade only if we do it? Do we really want free trade, or cheap prices?

You have a good point free trade would reveal many imbalances but they will have to be corrected sooner or later.

How is the sudden anger about government spending anything other than thinly veiled Racism?

Oh I love it. If anyone happens to disagree with the bankrupting of the country, then they are racist!!! Once again the Law of Liberalism is in play: Liberals are all for diversity, EXCEPT diversity of thought. Dare to disagree with them, and they will call you a racist, and try to destroy you.

Does the Swine Flu show symptoms similar to asthmatic bronchitis?

My Mom and I live in different states yet we had the exact same severe illness. I think it might have been the Swine Flu. The virus settled in our lungs and caused extreme inflammation. We were both put on steroids which allowed our bodies to heal our lungs and finally get over it. What do you think?

Did Adam and Eve have the Holy Spirit living in them before the fall?

Adam and Eve never existed. It's a fairytale. That story is so childish and silly, the people who believe this actually happened must have never never developed past the age of 5 mentally.

Why does everyone like the song boom boom pow. its the WORST song ever?

OHMYGOSH! IM WITH YA! dude, in that song, all it says is boom boom pow, boom boom pow, i was FORCED to listen to it at the dance, boy i hope i never have to listen to it again!!! mann i've heard bad songs, but that, that was terrible!

I'm a US expat living in Czech Republic...should I convert?


Suspect wife cheated on a business trip?

You can smell , it is a distinctive aroma! Gross YES but you could have smelled the thong and got your answer or smell the panties she took off before the shower and you would have known!

Why do people not criticise the monarchy for discriminating against Catholics?

The succession laws discriminate against Catholics not the Monarchy itself. Although it also discriminates against anyone not legitimately descended from Sophia of Hanover. While the Monarch is also the Head of the Church of England they have to be a member of the Church of England and hence cannot be of any other religion.

Lord of the Flies ysis?

The author uses the "beastie" as a symbol for the "beast" or "evil" in mankind. Just as the boys were scared of the beast even though they hadn't really seen it; we are afraid of what evil each person holds within themselves.

Considering how your so-called "hero" Bryan Mills from the movie TAKEN killed a defenseless man in the movie,.?

Im sorry you didn't like that movie, i thought it was just a cool action flick. It wasnt meant to show how nice of a guy he was, it showed what happens if you mess with his daughter

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Does ping gas(farting) mess up the environment?

Sense every other kind off gas messes up the environment, I was just wondering if Farting does 2...No this was not just to ask a dumb question! I am very serious.

If Obama is about the issues and not slander, then why is he so concerned with the Clintons taxes??

The taxes are about the past, I thought he was concerned with the future. The Clintons taxes have nothing to do with issues the American people are struggling with today. So, why put so much energy into looking into the Clintons? This is a deperate attempt by a desperate many to detour attention from his own mistakes.

Why does/did Elton John wear such crazy gles and when/why did this start for him?

Elton first started wearing gles to emulate one of his childhood heroes, Buddy Holly, even though he really didn't need them. Turns out by wearing them, his eyes got fouled up and he ended really becoming nearsighted. The gles also became part of his stage persona, as he was very shy and was able to "hide" behind the crazy sungles and such. Of course, the flamboyancy, and after a very repressed childhood, led him to all the crazy antics and outfits he became famous for.

What should I sing for my boyfriend?

My boyfriend's birthday is in two weeks. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to see him that day cuz I'm gonna be out of town that day. So, I decided to record a video of me singing a song for him. What I can't decide is the song I'm going to sing. I'm thinking about singing an acoustic love song, could be upbeat or mellow. Preferably something I can sing with my guitar, and something by Kelly Clarkson, Colbie Caillat, Miley Cyrus, or Taylor Swift. Any suggestions? I'm open right here. Thanks :)

DNA and RNA are made up of?

DNA and RNA are biopolymers composed of nucleic acids. Nucleic acids are made up of 3 things, a carbohydrate (ribose), a nitrogenous base (adenine, thiamine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil), and a phosphoester back bone ( like phosphoric acid, ribose-PO4-ribose). the difference between DNA and RNA is the ribose sugar, for DNA it is missing a OH group on it, thus Deoxyribose Nucleic Acid (DNA), where as a full ribose is used for Ribose Nucleic Acid (RNA).

Shakespeare sonnet to perform?

do the one "When I am in disgrace with forturne and men's eyes, haply I turn to thee" or "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

Which type of bond is found between atoms of solid cobalt?

Cobalt is a metal ( a transition metal). Metals are held together by metallic bonds. Ionic bonds are between a metal and a non-metal, but there is no non-metal here!

Why are Americans more open (not "open-minded"!) and light-hearted about than Europeans?

I live in Europe but I have a fair amout of acquaintance with the American culture. Here we are also multicultural and tolerant, we also have education at school and relatively low ages of consent, being topless at the beach is usually not considered outrageous, and prostitution is largely legal. However, we don't talk much about with out kids, educational and work settings are high-pressure environments that don't leave much room for occupational , but rather for boredom and time-wasting. We don't have spring break parties, or if we do, they're much less wild and celebrated, in fact I've never heard of any. Bachelor and parties are small obscure events, certainly not as widespread. A considerably smaller amount of the population has casual . is more privately lived, and the west-european production is small and latent compared to the US. Public propaganda of sexual well-being is also minimal.

Shelton Benjamin should he be in main events and be pushed more ?

Do u think Shelton should be more than A Us Champion I mean he is the best pure athlete in wrestling and nobody can denie that he should of been the Ecw champion when he was in ECW. So What do u think Should Benjamin be maineveting more matches or not.

Who wants to vote for Mitt Romney?

So far, me. But I haven't heard him handle any tough questions, and I hear he is anti-gun. But I have more problems with all the others, of either party.


Just google "nature vs. nurture debate". This has been going on for centuries (literally). The fact is, it is both. But not both in isolation, it's how they interact with each other. Given a genetic predisposition to certain traits, you may develop those traits in certain environmental situations. Then again you may not. If two people go through the same traumatic experience (pretend we can rule out previous experiences), why does one seek into a deep depression while the other does not? But then again, identical twins, who have the exact same genetic makeup, are not the same person. They don't think alike, they don't act alike. Interactions are what matters.

Does this look haircut look nice?

i dont like this haircut. i think her part isnt far enough to the side and her hair is really boofy and big and weird looking. i think you should get a side fringe or something tho. i have never seen anyone look bad with a good side fringe.

Is health care/insurance the primary cause of jobs leaving America.?

The primary reason for jobs leaving America is Cooperate Tax! The government tax cooprate america so high that they have to recover costs some where and that makes cooperate America to seek cheaper labor which is over seas. So the government is pushing jobs away from America by high cooperate tax.

Recommendation for good lullaby cds for infants?

There is a CD called "Blink" by Plumb. The songs all still have a good beat behind them and babies love to hear the rhythm in music. My son loves it. It calms him down.

Can we have genes out of the cell, if yes...........................… ME?

can we have genes out of the cell if yes then why cant we prevent the hereditary diseases getting to off-springs i had one idea if we area sure to take out the genes from the cell so we can have children with good characters first i want to know is it possible taking out the genes out of the cell please give me correct reasons of what ever the possibilites

Should Jets keep favre? ?

I think they should start Brett Ratcliff 3ed string qb had great preseason last year great touch on the ball.

My custom built computer?

Core2Quad Q-what? a 2.6ghz frequency is a minimum recommended -fsb 1333,4gb ram I suppose ddr2 800mhz-OK.You should be fine with it-for some time.

Can wwe do what they did on smack down last night?

the showed a video of batista vs king booker with sharmell but they dont work with wwe anymore they are on tna can they show then there like that?? what if tna doesnt want to or something??

Why dont people consider Italians latino?

My husbands family is Italian; they are from Italy. They would never consider themselves Latino. Nothing against Latinos; its' just a different ancestry.

Anyone have any tips on what to look for to make sure a house is structurally sound?

Take a strong flashlight, a penknife, a 4 foot level, a tape measure, some string and a friend to hold the other end of it, wear old clothes, and tell the agent you will be there for quite a while and don't want to be rushed. First, stand way back, like across the street, and look at the house overall. Notice if it leans or sags anywhere. Then at the house itself, crawl around anywhere you can get to, under the house and into the attic if possible, and look for cracks, moisture, anything rotting. Sniff to see if you can smell any mildew or mould. Set the level anywhere you can think of to see if the house is consistently the same level or has dips and bumps in it. A whole house tilting all the same way is much better than one that tilts different ways in different places. Sometimes a whole block tilts toward or away from the road. Stand in each room and see if you see any inconsistencies in levels or is one room is at a different tilt than the next. Notice how the floor feels or sounds. Don't worry too much but consider if a room at one end appears to be tilted away from the house, because it may have once been a porch which had a sloped floor. Open cupboards. Stick the penknife in anything doubtful. If you can, it's rotten. Above all, take your time so you can receive impressions, as well as checking what you think you see with tape measure, level, and string. Doing all that should tell you if it's worth going on with a professional inspection

Does it pay to be pretty? or do you get only heartache?

It pays much more than being average or homely. But I think you have to know how to use it. I used to have a very beautiful friend who seemed to get her way all the time because of her looks. But other women seemed really jealous of her without even wanting to know her. I thought she was a sincere and truly funny person. I think if you are very pretty and a nice person too, you have it made.

Do colleges/universities know which high schools are harder than others?

YES - especially high schools within their own state or in neighboring states. Normally, your HS counselor will send information about your school to every college you apply to, which will help even out-of-state colleges better understand your HS background. This is exactly what happened when my kids - who both attended a nationally ranked HS - applied to colleges. Each college received a profile of the school along with the counselor and teacher recommendations.

Can anyone help me to deal with my greedy friend?

.Look this 'friend' who likes to purloin other peoples goods is a miserable,selfish twerp.Nor would it surprise me if she deliberately defaced these goods before returning them,to their rightful owners. K is a thief and should be treated as such,How to get the goods returned.When tact and diplomacy don't work.Then drastic measures sre required

How do I sharpen a chain saw with the dremel tool attachment?

I've never sharpened a chain for a chain saw. The directions on the Dremel attachment are written for someone with experience at doing this.

Biology: ATP provides energy for the ___ functions of cells?

Its an answer to a crossword and it goes: -e-h----a-. The - are open boxes that need a letter. I can't think of a word that fits! Thanks!

Why is Showtime airing an old 1969 film about Bible salesmen who aren't very religious?

Is it because Showtime is Jewish, and so they hate the Bible, because it contains the New Testament and the advent of Jesus Christ?

Friday, November 11, 2011

Old sci-fi movie (half anime, half film)?

does anyone know this movie? it switched from Japanese-style anime to actual film footage off and on... the movie was definitely science fiction, and very dark and gloomy. it had to have been from the 80s or earlier. all I can remember specifically is that there was a crashed spaceship.

What cologne should I buy? I have an aero gift card. I'm starting high school and am very scared :( please hlp?

my older brother and his friends alway smell soooo good! My brother wears tag and usher and some other ones that I don't know from my mind. So try those two cause' they smell amazing! =)

Heath Ledger signed dark knight poster in ink?

For christmas I got a why so serious joker poster with a COA verifying that Heath Ledger himself signed the poster in ink. There were comments that Heath didn't exactly sign dark knight merchandise before he died, though I still believe he did. I posted a video about it on youtube at: a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SmnDbyWmf0" rel="nofollow"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-SmnDbyWm…/a you can either comment on youtube or answer here, please help.

Help! Bringing Carry-on items...?

Each item has to be 3 oz or less. Yes you have to put all your liquid in zip lock and take it out while they scan your bag

According to the Amnesty Proclamation by Andrew Johnson how would an ex-Confederate get pardoned?

i am a son of confederate veterans,i am told and as far as i no nothing has been added.one must pledge allegiance to the U.S.A. and denounce the confederate flag and policies.u might want to use a judge to witness.

How would you understand the actions of this Girl?

Ignore her. You wouldnt really want to be with that kind of girl anyway. She sounds really ditzy & immature


I didn't have the guts to take a test til i was 2 months pregnant but i just knew i was. i would just buy the test at the store and take it, that way you can find some type of resolution lol. good luck!

Could a zygous recessive allele (a) be totally eliminated from a population?

No. Even if an dominant allele appeared from the introduction of new organisms into the gene pool or by mutation, there would be nothing to select against it. It would continue to persist. Even if the gene was a lethal trait (it would have to be lethal in adults that have already reproduced to be zygous recessive [aa] in every organism and not eliminate of the species), there would be nothing to prevent the carrier state and the occional live birth of an affected animal

How do you make a MLA Annotated Bibliography?

I have to make one for History, and the templates make no sense to me. Can someone explain to me in their own words the step-by-step set up of making one?

Moulds to make ornaments and statues?

does anyone know where i can purchase nice large moulds to make ornaments and statues and planter pots. I have tried Ebay but there is nothing much. Thanks

Is Islam a the biggest threat to the human world?

It wasn't Christian fundamentalists who flew those planes into the twin towers on 9/11. Nor is it Christian fundamentalists who are chopping off the head of "infidels" and saying Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth. Christian fundamentalists are not the ones strapping bombs to themselves and blowing up shopping malls, trains, buses, etc.

Fun Things to Do During Recess?

well is what me and my friends used to do is that we went up to random people all the time and said hi. especially if you dont know them. it helps you in the future because your not shy anymore, trust me.....

I need ur help??? wat do i do next.. pls read on???

i dont know the education system here .. im an asian i want to continue my education i know graduate colleges r exp so the other option is start with a community college and then transfer.. but i do not know wer to start if i would have been in my country i would know i have to go to the college collect my forms fill up and join college... wat is the procedure here.. i have seen the 2-3 college websites and decided on some courses.. but im not sure which one to choose.. wat should i do.. whom should i talk to.. if i go to the college wat do i do to join college wat r credits .. i do not know anything if iget a brochure from college will it help me.. do they have counsellers in college to help me... if so wat should i tell them...i would really appreciate if someone would guide me through the whole proccess.. in detail.. i have no one to help me.. thanx

What is the difference between inner peace and enlightenment?

Inner peace is about not being in a state of inner conflict. Enlightenment is about a profound understanding. If you thoroughly understand something, are you necessarily at peace with it? Of course not. However, you are enlightened on the subject.

Piano sheet for It's My Life.?

I am looking for piano sheets Bon Jovi - It's My life, but with chords, so it would sound like this http://www.dizzler.com/music/Bon_Jovi/Its_My_Life . Are there chords sheets for this song? :)

Why is the eye of Horus used as a symbol for Illuminati?

know it was an Egyptian symbol, but what does it have to do with the Illuminati? Why did they adopt it? Also, does Catholicism have anything to do with the Illuminati, since the religion was adopted from the Egyptians?

Trying to find the name of a puppet show from the 90's based around rock music, the characters were 3 puppets

...with red, blue, and green hair respectively. I KNOW it's not any of these so don't say them... it is NOT fraggle rock, ollie and sifl, muppet show, kidd video, groundling marsh. It had a black and white (mainly white) stage, and there were lots of tv screens and tv static, that's all I can remember.

I didn't receive an email from the girl I had a date with?

You said you would contact her. Why are you expecting a reply? You need to call her and set something else up with her.

Has anyone else seen the new Polaroid camera?

I want it soo bad. It's amazing. They just released it not that long ago. When I heard they were trying to make the film again, I was stoked as hell!

Can you wear off the shoulder tops at school?

Yes Why Not. Some Girls Wear Short-Shorts, & That's To Much Skin Showing, Some School Dont Say Anything About Short-Shorts, If Your School Doesnt Care About Short-Shorts You Should Be Able To Wear A Off The Shoulder Sweater :)

My kitten isnt walkin on his hind leg?

I dont know if this relates to this but my family has been using hartz deworming meds on my kitten for 3 days while ive been away at my friends. While playing with the other kitten, out of no where he started to complain and my dads gf started holding him and 3-5 minutes later he started shaking, about 30 seconds in between each one. Now he has been favoring one of his back legs and he tried to walk on it but meowed when he did so. He hasnt tried walking on it since. She touched his leg to try and figure out where it hurt but he didnt meow at all. Why is this happening?

Does anyone know the steps to take to publish a book on the internet?

My granddaughter has written a child's book and would like to see it in print. I heard that it was possible for an author to publish his/her book on the internet but i haven't a clue where to begin.

What is this SNL skit called?

Either this Monday or last Monday (I honestly can't remember...) all my friends were talking about an SNL skit where they said something about Farmville...do you know what that skit was called and or when it was on? Thanks so much(:

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Is football so important in the UK that people really feel the need to murder over it?

You don't see Chicagoans taking shots at or sending bombs to Favre...no matter how tempting it might have been

Time between zebra finch mating and egg laying??

That's hard to say. Zebra mate a lot and lay a lot of eggs. So they can be mating and laying at the same time.

Kickboxing vs boxing in a street fight?

The kickboxer would most likely win. The moment the boxer hits the kickboxer in the face, the boxer's hand will most likely break. The face is one of the hardest areas on the human body, that's why they give boxer's gloves. If you hit there with a boxing punch and no protection, you will likely break your hand. The harder and more properly you hit, the more damage you will receive as well ,meaning boxers are even more likely for this. Since the kickboxer will have shoes on, his feet won't be a problem and he will be hitting even harder than normal.

Are you playing Santa Claus again this year for all your kids?

i dont have kids but my parents never stopped playing santa on xmas. it is just the xmas spirit to "believe" santa exist.

How old is too old to still be using a pacifier?

By the time your child is 2, i believe they should not be using a pacifier. it looks disgusting seeing a older child with a dummy in its mouth

Parents: your opinion on this?

Don't know about what the limits are in your state. You can't compare yourself to what others do, all you can do is be accountable for yourself. The days missed to illness can't be helped but I don't agree on missing school for a vacation. That's your parents deal though so you shouldn't be the one worrying about it.

Me and my best friend look so similar and i HATE it?

Me and my best friend hav grown up together, often having people mistake us for sisters or even twins. It didnt bother me when i was younger, but now that im a teen i find it annoying for when it comes to guys, as any one would..i want to be seen as the prettier one. Its awkward how we look so much alike....one time a guy mistakeably asked out Carmen when he actually liked me. Worked out in the end though. Sometimes, i feel as if i want to move so i can just be my own person, for wer NOT sisters...even thought id hate to loose our friendship. Ive tried having different looks but it dosnt seem to work i thnk i need somthing more drastic. Any ideas?

Do I report this to someone?

Sooo, I opened up a Cinnamon Poptart, and one of the pop tarts was not the same size as the other. like an inch shorter. Not only that, but also it was deformed and stuff, the edges were wierd as if somethign was nibbling it. and it was opend at all. Completely new poptart. Also, u think its safe to eat the other poptarts in the box?

Does anyone hand-raise finches?

I briefly talked with someone that tried this. He described it as time consuming but worthwhile. They eat Pedialyte from a dropper. That's all I know. For more info, try Googling "handraising baby finches".

Do you think Wrestlemania 25 would be like WM20, a Huge disappointment?

wow i def agree with you that wm20 was terrible. I recorded it and still have it on tape. I watch it sometimes and i wonder why did i waste 50 dollars on this. i think wm25 will be better though. It does have a pretty weak card though. WEE needs to bring back the evil kane.also they need to stop putting big show and in main event matches and stop hyping up John Cena so much. He's not that good. If anything Randy orton is carrying the wwe.

Is Beatles for Sale the forgotten Beatles album, their redheaded stepchild?

I don't really like it. Their debut and this one are my least favorites. Maybe it was made too soon after "A Hard Day's Night"; to comply with their two album a year deal.

How to get fiery kernel blaster in monkey quest?

First you have to do all the Mayor Bumbee quests. Then she says you can talk to Tribe leaders in the Crossroad area. Talk to Hardtack on the left side of Clover Tower Square. She will have you do Pirate Quests, keep doing them and eventually you get a quest that takes you to the Pirate King in the Sea Dragon area. His quests give you the Kernal Blaster.

Please help im so lost i need help with creating a static package and its test program.?

So, where is the code that you are having a problem with? List the source that you're having a problem compiling, or running and we are more than willing to help.

Elton John or Billy Joel?

Billy Joel.....but I have to tell you, I saw them both together at Giants Stadium about 15 years ago and it was one of the best concerts I ever saw...76,000 people were there that night...

Split them up?

my partner arrived home with another woman. We had been together 6 yrs and i still adore him. I had to leave as it was his flat and now she has moved in. Neither of them seem to care about my shock and heartache. I rang my ex to sort out some joint property and he said to come to his flat.He is ok on his own but when she is there she shouts over me and he shows off in front of her. I went to his flat and she was there they made fun of me , then she aulted me. He helped me but she was horrible, she is very common. She doesnt care at all about what she has done to me. She knew he was with me when she came home with him. I feel distraught. Any sugestions as to how i can split them up and give her some of the pain she has given me

Does anybody have a good idea for a school project?

Psychology cl, grade 11. It's about motivation. It could be anything from a poem to a crossword puzzle to a drawing. thanks for your help!

I want to lose a few pounds & tone up but not become skinny?

Trust me ur not going to just wake up skinny, it takes a long time just keep doin what ur doing and when u reach ur desired size just maintain it and adjust ur diet accordingly, eat more if ur gettin too skinny ect..


I think they should sell bags of skittles made up entirely of red skittles - I would be much happier. Because those are the only ones I'll eat.

How do laker fans feel that Mavericks are now 2nd seed?

i heard a lot of crap from laker fans on how they are doing so good, now Mavs are 2nd seed and most likely they will stay 2nd seed

Frozen/thawed mice?

how do i "prepare" a frozen mouse do i have to heat it up some how and how hot? and is it true that live mice carry diseases because if not id prefer to just watch and make sure my snake doesnt get bitten or scratched

Who is the best star?

from the states so some i havent heard of . best kind of depends on the criteria. too. i do like lanny and audrey quite a bit. but for me its hard to pick the best. ive seen some pics of stars in other countries that could easily become favorites. right now i really like kayden kross and aria giovanni. the stars that ive met have all been pretty cool .

Why does God allow evil in the world?

God is perfect then why did he create beings that would become imperfect? if he knows what will happen in the future then he knew man was sinful. Which means jesus was created for the sole purpose to die. why would God allow this? why would God allow satan to be where he is?

Should it be the responsibility of the Department of Justice to "get the word out about a candidate"?

I don't know, but Ram Emanuel is a complete crook. Another Chicago Machine politico that's up to his eye- in 'outfit' connections.

Is my fantasy team any good?

yea u might wanna get a diffrent defence though and if you can another te cooley is only gonna dissapoint you i had him last year he sucks

What's the point of the individual voter voting if only the "ELECTORAL VOTES" count?

You vote for electors. The winning electors vote for the president. The system has both advantages and disadvantages, and efforts to "reform" it have always failed. See the reference for more details.

Gene families: define, mechanism & evolution?

Many gene families arise from gene duplication (e.g. Hox genes). Gene duplication arises from mistakes in the replication/repair processes or by mistakes in crossing over during mitosis. The impact of this for evolution is that new genetic material can be introduced (which means genetic change).

ual arousal after birth... (warning: TMI)?

I was the same before I had my son. A little nipple stimulation and I was good to go. It took a good 12 months for things to return to normal in that department. I fed for around 3 months and it was mainly the thought of my being a food source that "put me off".

Can i run an ATI Radeon hd 5850 in my pc?

aye you can run it (depending on how new the PSU is, count 10% less W every year its old) but its better to get a gtx 460, its cheaper and just slightly slower then a 5850, but its smaller, uses less power and more quiet then the 5850 ^^ so its a win win win with gtx 460 (as long as you dont really 5850 it will work fine too ofc)

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

After being reprimanded for my lack of punctuation......c/c?

Punctuation in poetry is such a controversy. e.e. mings was one to not only not use punctuation but also signed his name in lower case letters, would your critics argue with e.e? Being unconventional is part of being artistic. I understood every word of this wonderful and refreshing poem and smiled all the way through. Besides most of your poetry leaves me breathless even with pause!

Does applying for a job online really work? i want to apply to some tv studios and when I went their they?

I wonder about those online apps too,like if employers really even check them.but honestly,i ume they do.try mailing the resume.

How can I get my drive back after menopause?

I have 0 drive left and no intrest in it. I do it for my husband but I don't enjoy it like I used to.

Decent self tanners.....?

x-ten is good but you should invest in an at home spray tan kit. You buy the gas and colour when they run out but otherwise it'll last for years

Venezuela to Israel:"We beg your pardon".?

Where's the sources?And it wasn't the "Israeli operation" the Venezualans objected to, it was the actual genocide in Gaza that they objected to.

How come I cannot receive NBC/KNTV in Oakland?

I have an antenna and new digital converter box, all the other stations (FOX, CBS, ABC) come in problem-free. How can I find/receive NBC?

Were you scared the 1st time you wore a brand new long skirt and boots or long skirt suit and boots-women plz

Just wear it, already! This question is getting old. Just wear it. Women wear long skirts with boots everyday.

Since Mr. al Megrahi has been framed? Why would the US and Britain lie to protect Iran or Syria?

Why don't some of you dumbes actually read about the case and do some research before you say he did it instead of the lies you hear on the news. There's no clear evidence he did it. None! The trial was BS set up. They framed him.... Megrahi was not convicted by jury. He was convicted by judges on cirstantial evidence of dubious reliability.

Answer this brain teaser(you are dumb if you dnt get it)?

if there is a 1 story house,and the walls are red,the floors are red,and the ceiling is red what color are the stairs???

At six flags magic mountain...?

did they take out cyclone to put in terminator salvation the ride???? cuz i was there yesteday and cyclone used to be dark wood color and now its light wood color and deja vu was closed too so idk if they took out cyclone or somrthing did they??????

I hope Tracy on Coronation Street is found out to be the?

I know some people don`t like spoilers but I`m glad that I keep up to date with the ITV catch ups. Tracy`s outburst at the funeral yesterday did not go un noticed by her guards. I wouldn`t have thought anything about it if I didn`t know what was going to happen. Btw who were those three men at the funeral?

Would you name your daughter Brodie? How do you feel about this touchy subject of using boy names on baby girl?

Brody is both a boy and a girl name. So is Carey, Casey, Jamie, Jessy, etc. I like masculine names on girls (some anyway). I met a woman whos name was Michael and not pronouced Michelle, it was actually Michael, the masculine version. That is the most horrible name on a girl. So Brodie is cute and can go either way just fine. Maybe you can add Rose as the middle name. (Thats my middle name and I really like it.)

Harry potter question...why does everyone like bellatrix lestrange?

I don't like Bellatrix LeStrange. My favourite character is Rubeus Hagrid and I prefer the books to the films because they tell the whole story not a shortened version for the movie producers.

According to the traditions of Protestantism how can Catholicism not be Christian?

If a person need only confess that Jesus is Christ and ask him for forgiveness to be saved, what would rule out Catholics? They already did that.

Brain teaser just for you?

A man is driving down the road when all of a sudden his transmission changes gears on its own.... The man didnt seem to care... Why???????

How do Iranian troops 'seize' an oil field/wells in Iraq?

I am aware that it is probably close to their shared border. But, how in the hell, with the american military in that country, spy satellites watching Iran troop movements, the Iraqis and/or Kurds in the region protecting their ets, do Iranian troops make such a daring and apparantly successful move into territory?

How Do You Feel About Child Support?

I pay child support for 4 children and it has not been easy. So i developed a child support website. Tell me a little bit about your situation (Good or Bad). You might be one of the lucky ones to get to tell your story on my website. Please check my site out at www.childsupportamerica.com if you like what you see please tell others. We have to stick together if we want change for fairness.

Question Mark crochet pattern?

My brother is asking me to make him a crocheted blanket that has a big question mark in the middle. Does anyone know where I can find a pattern for this. He wants it lime green and black so it stands for the riddler from batman.

(MCR FANS) Do you hate it when people say that?

do you hate it when people say that mcr is emo and that theyre posers. i know people might not like that type of music but why do they say they hate THEM. i also hate it when people say that they have awful lyrics...ect. AND IF YOUR A MCR HATER DONT ANSWER THIS QUESTION!!!

Watch Bangladesh vs Zimbabwe 3rd ODI Live Scorecard Online Streaming Free?


Is pledging a sorority hard?

I am in my sopre year of college and I was thinking about joining Delta Sigma Theta. I already read about their organizations and requirements and I am really interested in joining. But I am worried about pledging. What happens during pledging? how long does it last? do you get hazed? what kind of activities are done? and do pledging guarantee acceptance into the sorority?

Crossword clue: Bonus hidden features on a DVD?

Bonus hidden features on a DVD is the clue Answer 2 words first word 6 letters second word 4 letters

I'm trying not to cut myself, i have had the swine flu for over a months i dont know what to do?

The swine flu doesn't last that long. If you feel like you cant breath and your really getting worried call 911. You leaving on a stretcher will probably make your mom realize you were really not feeling well.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How do you translate a rhyming poem?

Because if two words rhyme in English, they're not very likely to rhyme in a different language. Do translators have to write a new version of the poem using synonyms that rhyme in the language it's being translated to? Or do they just translate it as it is, without bothering to make it rhyme?

Creative sound card crashes computer?

Next time you fire up the computer go into the BIOS and disable the on-board audio. Save the changes and exit. See what happens. Hope this helps. Good Luck.

How to get propane boiler working?

I have a munchkin boiler for my domestic hot water and radiant heat. I lost water pressure and while I was bringing it up I accidentally turned off the emergency shut off switch. Now my pressure's fine, but I can't get it to fire. How do I get the propane to start running again?

What is the perfect woman?

I dont just mean initially, but after you have lived together and seen each other inside and out. The bright side and the dark side. What is your perfect woman from an imperfect human being? I have heard some couples never fight, never argue, never have a problem but my experience shows, no way! This question is for men but if women want to "flip flop" it I dont care!

Tricky Statistic Question?

73 of 117 athletes admitted to a large university graduated within six years. The proportion of athletes who graduated was sifnificantly lower (P= 0.027) than the 71% graduation rate for all students. What is the 95% confidence interval for the graduation of athletes?

Any of these albums worth anything?

Depends on their condition and which pressing they are, but you could probably get a few bucks for 'em.

What would you clify my politics as?

I've been in this stupid argument with friends about what my politics are. I say I'm independent, one of my friends says I'm moderate liberal, one of them says she'd call me liberal to populist, and the other says I'm libertarian to liberal. I know this is a really self-centered question but whatever. I believe that abortion is wrong and should be only performed under very limited cirstances. I believe that gays and transuals should have completely equal rights under the law. I believe their should be carbon caps, an increase in research on alternative fuels, a tax on oil, tax breaks for people who buy cars with good miles per gallons and tax penalties on people who drive gas guzzlers. I believe in taxing the upper cl more and taxing everyone else less. I believe in no connection between the housing tax and funding for schools. I believe in higher penalties for police who commit acts of brutality. I believe that there should not be a lot of regulation on the market. I believe that all races are equal. I believe in slowly shifting government aid such as welfare to private charity organizations. I am against affirmative action. I am against prayer in public schools. I am for legalizing the use and selling of marijuana and regulating it. I believe in decreasing the penalties for drunk driving, since the current ones are just ridiculous. I believe in legalizing and regulating prostitution. I believe that using drugs at a school should not be an expellable offense. I believe in religious tolerance. I believe that women should be equal to men. I believe some other stuff but I'm not gonna bother typing it all out.

Hve MS with vision problems, anyone else?

I am 42 and have been diagnosed for 3 years, it seems like my vision is most often affected, when I have issues with paralysis, numbness, vertigo, they are somewhat shrortlived and wil get if not back to normal, but better, my eyes just steadily get worse, has this happened to anyone else and then had the vision get better?

Does any one know anything about a strange pond somewhere in North Carolina/ the United States of America?

In the 1960's the rock & roll group, Fleetwood Mac had a popular song called "Hypnotized", I think it was...in it they sang about a strange place in North Carolina where there was a pond in the thick of a forest with no roads leading to it. It seems that the sides of the pond were like gl...and they sang, "And if any mans hands had made that land then I think it would have showed! Has any one heard of such a place or are these "just" lyrics written to sell a song? Genuine responces only, please.

Anyone know a good lasting perfume?

Well am a teenaged girl so I like fruity/sweet smells. The last perfume I had was one of Gwen Stefani's Harajuku lovers and I had Lil' Angel, but am out of it now. The thing is my perfumes never seem to stay on as long as i'd like them to. Any perfumes you'd recommend for me?

Isn't it sad that atheists condone human, especially child, sacrifice?

So Christians did not burn people alive right up until the Enlightenement, Salem anyone? Read some modern history pal!

My Husband and i have been married for almost three years ?

i'm a stay at home mom, Not by Choice just with the high costs of daycare it is best this way, But if i had my choice i would be working don't get me wrong I Love my kids. Anyway My Question is how do i get my husband to treat me better ? he constantly is throwing things in my face about me not working, He knows that i have had a hard time accepting not bringing in any income but he cont. to say horrible things to me to hurt me and is constantly telling people how tired he is and how many hrs he works. He works Mon.-Thurs. Starts @ 3pm and is home by 2am he hangs out with some friends and then goes to bed.Wakes up 1 hr before work. I have to be the one to wake him up every day Takes about 1 hr and he is very grumpy, I make his Lunch and Pack food for work do all laundry etc. he has no responsibilities. I do everything including but not limited to all care for our 2yr and 2mo old boys. I have tried to talk to him and told him that there needs to be some changes but he cont. the insulting and making me feel worthless and then party's all weekend . I really would like to leave him but am trying to do what is best for our children. Someone please tell me am i wrong do i need to make changes ? Any advice how i can keep this marriage together ? I just feel like i cant cont. on being treated like a dog every day.

My WWE WrestleMania XXVII (Rate the show) Part 1 + Should Pro Wrestling spoilers be kept private?

Wow. Very good. Too many men in the mitb. Plus mystico and rollins might not be in the wwe main roster yet. But good so far.

What kind of mix do I have? PIC?

well mixes are mixes. Not all mixes look the same. Say in a litter of Pitt/Labs 2 may look the same and 3 may look diffrent. It all depends on what genes when where during the mix. My guess is mom and dad BOTH were mixes. He is a many way mix.... A heinz 57... I am sure there is some Pittbull and probably Lab, and maybe a little of 2 or 3 more breeds. So I would just stick with the Moniker of Pitt/Lab mix that sufficently covers what he is. By the way he is a HANDSOME devil... nice looking healthy boy

Please, new names for my characters.?

O k, now I asked for help with character names and I got a lot of girl character names that I like but not enough guy character names. Now these characters for my book are teenagers in love in present day(once again like Romeo and Juliet- yes I love the play) so here's what I got girl names: 23, guy names: 10, I would like more name choices but with less girl choices, please help. And please don't use the names: Destiny, Elizabeth, Drew, Sadie, Rachel, Kalten, Kaiden, Alex, Nicole, Jessica, Eva, Samantha, Colby, Cody, Jennifer, Ron, Dee, Denise, Tiffaney, Tiffany, or Jenna. Please and Thank you.

Which of these two hotels in bangkok would you recommend? Adelphi Grande or the FuramaXclusive Sukhumvit ?

FuramaXclusive is right across the street from 'Soi Cowboy' which has many bars. Honestly though, the bar areas in BKK are many for and cater to men; if you are going just for the experience enjoy. By the way, I would not stay at either of the hotels you listed. Stay at the S15 it is right on Sukhumvit and a two minute walk to the Sky train (the only way to get around BKK).

Whats this hairstyle called?

Whats this hairstyle called?? i need to know because i am planning on getting this haircut today and need to know its name to tell the barber..what do you think of this hairstyle good or bad???. Heres a pic of it....http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g212/lilgujugurl2120/zac_efron.jpg

Energy Sources Pro's And Con's?

Doing something for girl scouts.... 5 pros and 5 cons for the energy sources: Biom, Hydropower, Geothermal, Wind, Solar, Petroleum, Natural gas, Coal, Uranium, And Propane? PLEASE?!

Ok, so I'm in school walking down with my friends and this girl i really like (Keaton) and Sally says...?

"Ok, Keaton, would you rather date Jacobo (me) or Ezra (my best friend)?" Now my friend Ezra is RIGHT there and Keaton says, "I dunno..." and walks away. Now I'm wondering if she likes me cuz by my knowledge girls don't want guys to know you want to go out with 'em. Keaton when I left for my trip to Colombia, she was SO sad, she was saying this isn't fair and hugging me, but to my friend Ezra she hugd him when he got punched. Now, does Keaton like me or my friend Ezra?

Am i going to jail?? :(?

ok...so here's the predicament. I was walking in the downtown area at approximately 11:00 pm, and this homeless man asked me for money. It was like the 3rd one that day and i started to get really fed up because I dont have any f**king change! anyway, i pushed him away from me and he hit me in the face. so i pushed him into the wall and i think his head hit the brink and he was knocked unconscious, maybe even dead, but i ran away as soon as i realized he wasnt moving. as i was getting into my car, i think someone wrote down my plates......what should i do?

Is this a Good Gaming PC?

first off DUMP THAT STORE. They are stealing you BLIND. the 760 for as much as a i5 2500K?? I mean WAH???! I really would NOT go for the 1156. Go for the 1155 board. The 2500K a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819115072&cm_re=2500k-_-19-115-072-_-Product" rel="nofollow"http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as…/a is $219 at newegg and possibly cheaper elsewhere a href="http://ark.intel.com/Compare.aspx?ids=48496,52210," rel="nofollow"http://ark.intel.com/Compare.aspx?ids=48…/a shows you those two CPU next to each other. That PSU is a bit of a lightweight. Seasonic is an AWESOME brand. I am not knocking them. It's fine for what you have now but then when you eventually go SLI or add hardware that PSU won't get over-taxed. a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817371026&cm_re=i5_sli_PSU-_-17-371-026-_-Product" rel="nofollow"http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as…/a You see what happened again?A 750Watt PSU for your 620Watt PSU price. I mean where is this place? Cyberpower or Ibuypower? You need a motherboard.a href="http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130583&cm_re=p67_g43-_-13-130-583-_-Product" rel="nofollow"http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.as…/a is what I paired with my I5 2500K.

I would like to copyright my companys name. How do I do it?

First thing first you would not copyright your company's name that would be a trademark. Copyright's are for published and unpublished works, people get it confused all the time. There's the cheap way to cover yourself and the extra cheap way to cover yourself. If you are already in business and have a business license you can use that establish your right to name use. The key to that is making sure the name you want to use is not already in use. If you are challenged you have proof of how long you have been in using the name the guy who was first has the rights. Do not I repeat do not pay someone to trademark your name (ie lawyer) its too easy just to go on the patent and trademark site yourself and do it. That paying someone to do it is a hustle some intern will probably file that paperwork anyway and you'll be out thousands!!! You can also do a trademark search on uspto site which is neat for find out when a brand got started

Symbols for Portia In the play The Tragedy Of Julius Ceasar?

for those of you who have read This play, can you help me find some symbols or items that represent portia, She is Brutus' wife. Also if you know some for other characters it would be as helpful as well.

Kind of an embarring question, but I need to ask?

Okay, so all my life (or...at least for the past 7 years since Aunt Flo first visited) I've been using tampons. Now I have some medical issues going on, and my doctor wants me to use pads. Okay sooo here's my question: When Aunt Flo is kinda heavy, what exactly do you do about showering? Mine gets really, really heavy, and I feel like it would...get everywhere. Does the water just wash it away with no problem? And how exactly am I supposed to dry off? Sorry, this is the stupidest and most embarring question I've ever asked in my life (hence why I'm asking it online and not face to face with someone haha).

So about the boots with the fur...?

Does anyone know what kind of boots with fur Mr. Flo-Rida is reffering to? He's not just talking Ugg's right? What are they suppossed to look like? Is there a music video for this song?

Monday, November 7, 2011

Does this mean i'm biual or is this just a phase?

It could be that your friendship has strengthened to the point of love or it could be as simple as teen hormones running a muck. I would suggest slowing down and exam what you really want and being that she is your best friend, possible just tell her. See if her feelings are reciprocated.

Why does my mom ignore me sooo much?

Well, although this is traumatic for you, you ARE, over reacting. It is not the end of the world, and Im sure that mom is not 'ignoring' you. Perhaps when you asked her, she had 1000 other things on her mind, and signing on to the computer was low on her list, as you did say that she was getting ready for work at the time. children are famous for asking their parents to do things for them at the worst possible moments. When you ask your mom to do something for you, and you think that she is ignoring you, stop and evaluate the situation...what is going on...what is mom doing. then, you can ask her at that point if she forgot or whatever.

What do we bring to a mormon baptism of the dead?

Congratulations. It's quite an experience. Doing the work for those that have ped on is a great feeling. Wear church clothes on the way. They'll give you the stuff to change into there at the temple.

Why do people think Constantne founded the Church and created the canon of Scripture?

Is this a Da Vinci Code thing? Are folks aware of how completely ridiculous it is? Have they actually read any reputable scholarship on the subject?

Please! I don't know what is wrong with it!?

I am a Limewire user. Since I deleted my account and did a new one, I could not use any P2P softwares like Limewire and Ares. I do check my firewall every second. But I don't know what is wrong with it. Please help me!

Will the world end in 2012?

I know this sounds silly but i am a worrier i worry about everything and anything, i take panic attacks and im so afraid to die that i hardly sleep..yeah in short im a freak!! Anyway this is current,y annoying me about the world ending in 2012?? does anyone know of any FACT surrounding this? Asteroid is what i have heard>? Plz also don't say No if there is some fact id rather know..although on a serous note its a big problem in my life rite now so plz plz help! Thank You

Baby/ child modelling?

hi i would like to try baby modeling with my 6 month old daughter (i'm not a pushy parent just think shes really cute) but i have no idea how to go about this. how do i no legitimate companys from the scam artists who charge you a fee and never hear from again? and most importantly i want to make she shes in a safe environment if she successful ( and obviously all money would be hers). could anyone help by reccomending a good agency or advice. I live in Birmingham UK but would be willing to travel for right oppertunity. sensible answers only please.

If there is NFL football this year?

The Green Bay Packers will set a new record,at the start of the regular season.Who can tell me what that record will be.

Some help with my math !!!!!!!?

A cheetah starts running across the desert. After 5 seconds, the cheetah covered a distance of 145 meters. After 9 seconds, the ceetah covered a total distance of 262 metes. What was the average speed, in meters per second, of the cheetah between the 5- second and the 9- second mark? You may round to the nearest meter. Next, write an equation that will predict the distance covered by the cheetah for a given time, t. Use this equation to predict how far the cheetah will go in one minute?

Please tell me : which hotels in bangkok and pattaya?

For Bangkok, I recommend Centrepoint Silom. There were a lot of busted luxury condo projects from the Baht collapse in 1998 that got converted into hotels. Centrepoint Silom is one of them and it's a great deal for the price. It is adjacent to the Robinson shopping center, the Silom BTS stop (the public rail system), and it's a couple of blocks to the Chao Phraya River where you can catch a water taxi.

Kbfiltr.sys, help me computer people?

uming you can start your computer again, when you are logged on open task manager, ctrl+alt+delete, and click the processes tab. If kbfiltr.sys is a running process right click and select end process. If your PC crashes again then you can be pretty sure it is a windows system file therefore would be ok to ignore. Some antivirus programs are a little overzealous when it encounters something it doesn't recognise. Or as the guy above me said, install and run malwarebytes anti malware, it has helped me on numerous occasions.

If I put skittles in my mouth, would you ride the rainbow?

Hmmm, knowing me, I think I'd prefer to have the skittles in MY mouth and add a little flavor to YOUR rainbow... Do I get the treasure at the end, too? ;P

Do you hate Miley Cyrus??

I HATE Miley Cyrus!! I can't stand her shes mean and does nasty things ewww!! I just hate her!! AHHHH she didnt deserve Nick Jonas but I do!! haha just tell me if you hate her and why thanks!! XD

Why only "5 senses" ?

There aren't only 5 senses. these only refer to the ones you are taught in primary school to give you a basic understanding. if you research it further the list goes on much longer. look up in the 'Book of General Ignorance'. the QI people explain it very well.

Who are victims of our feminist dictatorship?

The victims are everyone, including the s and communists that willfully did so much damage to the west. The only winners are the Power Elite.

Is Stanford a possibility? If so, how?

I just finished my sopre year. My current total academic GPA is a 4.18, last year on the PSAT I got a 214, top 20% or so of cl (Bad, I know), so far I have 130 hours of Community Service (hopefully well over 200 by end of summer), probable club president of Mock Trial, Speech and Debate next year, possible newspaper editor, on the tennis team. Is it possible for me to get into Stanford? What would I have to get on the SAT? How much more community service do I need?

I dont know how to deal with my ex?

You need to put down your foot to this guy, and have some backbone! You could try to rebuild some relationship with him, that is if it doesn't make you that unhappy. He needs to get a job to help support your daughter, or your going to have to go to court to get some child support from him. Either way, you need to remember that you need help- and he's not doing anything. If he wasn't going to help you raise this child I don't know if I would've had the child if I didn't have anyone to help me.

Broad knowledge battle of the bands on roids?

I'm sorry...this is snakes and ladders ..eg traffic -chicago,the kinks-the animals,men at work-the oils,the guess who-the turtles...why not throw in early stones-the pretty things..or the early oils/cold chisel-the stones..or alice cooper-marilyn manson...I'm sorry...This is just Stupid...Wake up,kit!

Why Aztecs,Incas,Mayas didn't conquer Europa that Europeans invaded there?What's wrong with Europeans?

I'll answer the 1st question. Since they weren't sea faring nations,they didn't know there was a europe.

Does your boyfriend make these comments?

now i dont have large but my boyfriend whenever he sees a girl with big s he is always lke damn girl nice **** or something and im right there and he makes fun of me telling me i should get implants. it really hurts me and i tried talking to him about it but he said yeh whatever. i really like him and i want his relationship to work out but i feel he doesnt like me for me.

What would you do if you were a woman who?

What would you do if you were a woman who has high blood pressure and anemic with a very irregular period?Choices are:1) take birth control pills2) have an oblation (nova sure) 3) have a hysterectomy Before you answer, think about this:You have tried birth control before and it does not really help and you have very bad mood swings and start thinking of violent ways of dealing with a person when he/she starts to annoy you just a little and you have a job that depends on you keeping a level head. Not a good idea.You could have the oblation except the doctor says that you would have to have a hysterectomy after that because it most likely will not work in your case. You have spoke to women who had it done and it did not help and has also made some women’s periods worse.You could have a hysterectomy , but your husband it against you having it. Your finances are not good, You do not have a good record with surgeries and something always goes wrong.This is a very hard decision to make. Another thing to think about is all of your problems and way you need something done:Your period is running and ruining your life. You have pain during all the time and at times it brings you to tears because of the pain, yet you do not want to tell your husband because he may think you are rejecting him (as with most men). Your periods are unreal; you can have it for 6-14 days at a time they start without warning and you can have them 1-2 times a month. You have to wear super plus tampons and overnight pads at the same time because you can go through 6-8 s.p.tampons in 8 hours along with an overnight pad. Remember you are anemic so you get tired easy. You constantly are lethargic because of it and have been know to get worn out just by talking. When you use the bathroom it sounds like you are having a bowel movement every time because of the clots that come out. You have clots every period and some have been the size of the palm of your hand and looks like someone cut pieces of liver and put them in your toilet or they run down your legs when you take a shower without a tampon in. During the middle of the night, you get up to use the bathroom and change your pad but a couple of hours later you can get up and it runs down your legs because you have gone through a overnight pad. You are on the verge of buying diapers for your self because of the heavy flow, so heavy you go through a super plus tampon in 10 minutes. But, your symptoms are getting worse. A nurse draws blood for some test, she stares at it then ask you if you are on blood thinners and you tell her no. You notice your blood separated in 5 minutes and it normally takes 30 minutes and you also notice your blood is bright red and thin and not dark red and thick like it is suppose to be. When you have your period and are tired your vision is starting to go blurry off and on, your muscles are cramping and at times not wanting to flex, you start getting short of breath with chest tightness (you do not have asthma), and have heart palpitations. All are signs of severe anemia. You take your iron pill every day, but it is still getting worse. Your left side hurts with every period (in the spleen area not ovary area), your right side hurts also but you have already your gallbladder taken out and all that is left in the area is your liver. You are driving home from work and you start blacking out you are 2-3 miles down the road from were you where and do not remember driving it. On top of all that you are starting to have to wear pads because you are starting to get incontinence, you are losing control of all your bladder and guess what weeks later you are almost losing control of your bowels. So to recap, you are losing control over all of your bodily functions, all your muscles cramp and you feel like you are slowly suffocating; by the way you walk and stand all day and deal with the public for 8 hours a day. So, once again what will you do?

Why are Evangelical Christians so wicked and cruel to those of other faiths?

After the January 12 earthquake, which wrecked much of the capital Port-au-Prince and killed more than 250,000 people, voodoo leaders had to defend themselves publicly against accusations by some Evangelical preachers that the voodoo religion somehow caused the natural disaster.

If your friend is going to fistfight a bully would you take action that might get him in trouble?

Towards the end of last semester, after school I hung around to see a soccer match a close guy friend was playing in. Towards the end a girl asked me who I thought would win the fight after the match between my friend and another player. This other kid has been haring him for ages and my friend has been really mature about handing it calmly and reporting specific incidents etc. but no action has been taken. I know well that objectively fighting is wrong but I was in a dilemma. Was I really going to do something drastic and call the school hot-line or the cops or something? Or embarr him by a girl intervening with ethical arguments about how violence solves nothing? (nothing inferior about girls but in all fairness he doesn't want one mothering him in front of the team?) So I procrastinated and did nothing and after the match I walked with the other girl to where the fight was supposed to happen. My friend and the other guy had a fight and I just watched. I froze and did nothing to alert the authorities (I called my bf and she said I should stay out of it) I would gladly have taken the punches for him if I thought it would have helped. I froze but not with fear so much as a moral dilemma. It seemed a pretty fierce fight with minor bruises and cuts on both sides.It's early days but the bully seems to have backed off. As I say I know fighting is wrong but I thought anything that would humiliate this guy or get him into trouble would be worse. He was upset that I witnessed it (which makes me think that if I had pushed through and begged him not to fight, he wouldn't have) What are you supposed to do in a situation like that? I definitely compromised my principles. I thought that in a situation like that I would have phoned every source of help and if necessary thrown myself physically in front of my friend.

Seeing dots, cannot see black, blood red shadows.?

Go and get a second opinion, if your sight blurs at 6 inches you definitely need some form of eye wear. Mention the accident!, do you get sore eyes, itchy eyes, sun sensitive etc. The more information you can give the easier it is to diagnosis.

I want a puppy!?

well i have one for you...my aunt breeds papllions... they are really cute small dogs that look a little bit like chihuahuas... they are really smart little dogs... some other small breeds are the chihuahua itself but they can get noisy... beagles are also smaller types of dogs...im not too sure about their personality... ive never had one... jack russel terriers are small dogs too and they are really sweet! i will give u my aunts website in case u wan to look at some...

Sunday, November 6, 2011

I feel like I am playing chess, What is my move?

Ask her out, but just make it clear that you will be leaving town soon. If it looks like there is a connection, you should make it clear, before anything happens, that you would never be able to deal with a long distance relationship

HELP Social Study paper due on Dred Scott Decision info inside...?

Ok, here is the scenario. I have to turn in a paper on the Dred Scott Decision, but before we turn it in we have to do a debate brief on it....The proposition is: The Supreme Court's ruling in the Dred Scott decision is flawed, slaves who become free should have the rights of a citizen. I need help on what would be the affirmative side in this debate brief and what would be the negative side. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dynasty league team suggestoins?

I don't think this team will even make playoffs.You a better C,CF,DH,BENCH,2 MORE SP,RP.Basically half your team.Good luck u got some work to do.

Newbie trying to update computer video card...?

Hello All!! Currently in my computer i have a 128mb geforce fx5600 ultra video card in my computer. I want to upgrade to hopefully a 512mb card. I am not 100% sure what i can put in my system... my motherboard is about 6+ years old. the blurb from the manual on my motherboard states.. "The AGP slot allows you to insert the AGP graphics card. AGP is an interface specification designed for the throughput demands of 3d graphics. It introduces a 66MHz, 32 bit channel for the graphics controller to directly access main memory. The main board supports 8x 1.5v AGP card. my motherboard is an MSI K7N2series with nvidia nforce2 chipset. and amd athlon xp 2100 processor.. any suggestions as to whether a 512 mb card will work with this motherboard? I have no clue :) I am planning on sticking with geForce since i have had no issues whatsoever... any suggestions?

Are canon digital and film camera lenses be interchangeable?

As of one year ago, Canon EF lenses can be used on the film EOS cameras as well as D-SLR's, excepting the D40, D70 and D90.



Tunguska Event, If an Airburst happened near a major city what damage could occur?

I heard the Tunguska event is a 1 in a 100 year event. They say it was an Airburst from either a fragment of Comet or Asteroid about 5 to 10 Kms above the Earths surface releasing anywhere between 5-30 megatons of TNT energy. If it were to happen near a large city would it flatten a large area? Would they be able to discover and prevent another event similar to Tanguska in time to prevent it from possibly bursting above the Earths surface?

Was Osama a British agent? I mean we are all familiar with the Great British treachery...?

I mean we are all familiar with the Great British treachery that kept them a superpower for so long and win war after war. Was Bin Laden a British response to counter the growing American power clout after the Cold War? If my allegations are proven true in the future, then what shud be the American response?

Wi-Fi & 3G? I Don't Get It?

I was thinking of getting the new Motorola Triumph from Virgin Mobile. But i want a phone that I can use the web without being in a wi-fi zone. If it has 3G then does that mean I don't need wi-fi? I honestly don't get how that works?

What is a good way to do this?

I'm tring to figure out the best way to view bioluminescent algae for a science fair project. The algae glows when distributed, in this case gently shaken, in its 50ml flask. The issue is it can only be observed at night with minimal or no light. Given that this project will be judged during the day, the algae has been on a schedule so it will glow during the day but still requires darkness. What is a user friendly way of making it viewable to the science fair judges without turning out the lights? My thoughts were to some how make a small box to view the algae or use a curtain somehow. Any ideas?

Could someone think of a different ending to the play Julius Caesar?

So i have this english project to do and i have to rewrite the ending to the play Julius Caesar, it has to be some what elaborate cuz my english teacher is kind of a and strict on grading. the characters have to stay true to themselves as they are portrayed in the rest of the play and it has to be some what long, like the last act or half of the last act. and it is supposed to be in script form. if someone could help this would be greatly appreciated

Can my teenage boys go to a NFL game alone?

I want to send my kids to a Chiefs vs Broncos game tomorrow but I don't know if they can go alone. They are both 16.

I might be dying sooner than most kids.. dont know who to talk to..?

Under 18 you will need your parents permission and the doctor can discuss it with them. so unfortunately, the only way to get it done without their acknowledgement is in oct when you turn 18. However, I think you should just ask mom to ok the testing because it is very important that you know if you are okay. Dont think so far ahead as to death or even speaking that disease into your life. Just think positive and find natural ways to prevent the disease. I'll be praying for you. Best wishes

American Idol 09 What do you think?

Alright so my guilty pleasure is watching American Idol. I've been obssesed since 2nd grade and now i'm in High School. And even though must people stop watching after like 7th grade I've never stoppped watching. But this year i'm a little upset. First, the new judge. Its always been Randy Paula and Simon. Really its been like that forever, it makes sence. With a new judge there it kind of ruins tradidtion. Second, there is no longer a Top 24 but a Top 36. That really bugs me because its changing everything and i'm gonna get all screwed up now whenever I watch. Plus I've memorized everyone in the Top 24 since season 3/4 and I dont think my brain can hold 36 names to remember. What are your thoughts i'd love to hear them. Thanks.

Maplestory help with hair!?

well i have a level55 fighter and i think warriors get red or black hair thiefs get red or black or yellow hair mages get silver hair and pirates get black or brown

If Americans are so smart, why have they not elected me president?

Seriously, you'd think anyone with an ounce of common sense would realize there's no better option than me to run the country. Honestly, it's as obvious as knowing that sticking your head in an oven is a bad idea. Yet, somehow my fellow Americans are so stupid, they have not elected me president even ONCE. But it's no surprise that a country filled with people who think Obama is Muslim, believe in Creationism, come up with the term "freedom fries", and watch The Jerry Springer Show would not possess the intelligence to vote for me.

Need Pinewood Derby mathhelp to design software?

I would like to design a program to use in a pinewood derby race so that all racers will race everyone at least once and no more than once per round. I have a track with 3 lanes and any number of racers from 15 to 50. I would like the software to figure out how many dummy racers we need and add them so that each race will only race once per round and there will be as many rounds as I need so that each racer races each other at least one time. Also, the racers need to switch lanes so there is no advantage to racing in any one particular lane. Any Suggestions?

Leonadro DiCaprio...why is he good for this part?

Hi, ok so tommorow im have to an oral presentation about a book we read in cl. Its called the sniper, and we had to pick three people who we think would play the parts well. I picked leonardo Dicaprio as the lead sniper, and I have no clues to back up why I picked him and Im freaking out because I dont want to get embarrased in front of the hole cl, when the teacher ask qestions on why I picked him. Can you please help me oby giving some reasons why he would be a good actor to play a part like a sniper. Please, Please, Please!

What do these signs mean from a boy?

Ok..I realyy like this guy and today I was walkin in the cafeteria and I glanced @ him and we made eye contact for about 4 seconds.. Then outside I was hangin out with my older friends so he came over and started tlkin to us and about every day when I'm in the lunch line he comes and gets extra food he's always sure I see him or notice..pls answer :)

My neighbors dog runs lose with no tags or leash and is Aggressive?

I would keep calling animal control and complaining about it. Tell them your tired of wasting your time and if they are not going to take action tell you something else you can do. If nothing is done, call the police and let the police know you've called animal control time after time.

Where are all these different Samuel Adams sold that I see on the commercials?

My Fred Meyers seems like it holds thousands of different micro-brews, lagers, slingers, sliders, and upsiders....they got all the flavors sittin in their brew isle.. but where are all these different strands of Sammy Adams sold?? Lemme get some of that honey bluster, or cherry suckle that these commercials are displayin................

What colour Bar tape?

black black black they never look dirty trust me I've tried white and it doesn't suits me and my campagnolo bottechia looks y with black bar tape..

Internet explorer problem with brand new lap top!?

I bought a new dell insprido or whatever. And when I took it out boom! I was useing wifi! woo hoo! I just went on facebook and called it a day. The next day I went to fire up the internet and when I click internet two windows pop up for it and i can't click on on anything! I just get a "bing!" My wife was able to change a few securtiy settings and one of the windos would kind of work. but i cant even close out of them. I have to keep doing task manager! wft!?!

I didn't get to see the VMA last night. Who was behind Beyonce?

After watching the speech she had and had Taylor come out. I have to ask was that Lady Gaga? If not who was that and why in the heck would they wear such an odd head piece? Ewww.

Im wondering if something is wrong?

today i woke up (and im being completely serious about this) my period hole farted! is that normal? what is that from? i have been ually active well not having but oral and and whatnot is the farting dangerous? what is it i havent done anything in about three months being ual wise i just finished my period 4 days ago so what does this mean?

REVISED!! (Can lipase still hydrolyze without the gallbladder??)?

The gallbladder stores bile. Bile is created in the liver. Thats why the answer is not B. The answer is D.

New tattoo on neck causing fever?

Two days ago I got two new tattoos. One is a "tramp stamp" of a frog wearing a tutu and the other is very large and on my neck. It is a girlie skull and crossbones with stars and the skull is wearing a bow. Anyway, It is really cute but, I have been running fever and sweating profusely since I got it. I was told it is just because I have had it put on my neck and to add to complications some people are allergic to red ink, not to mention I am very anemic and was sweating profusely during the tattoo on my neck as well. Is this normal? I know I don't have any diseases because of the tattoos so anyone suggesting that is crazy. I have two other tattoo's and I haven't had reactions like this before. They are also black and white though. I think it may just be because of the location of the one on my neck. Any tattoo artists out there with any ideas?

Any suggestions for an abstract synonym?

I need an abstract synonym for "Rosetta Stone." Not the stone itself, but something to convey the idea of an important piece of information used to translate or understand something. All I can think of is keystone, but that's not really used to understand something, it's just used to support something... any ideas?

Women: What do you find HOT on a guy?

Definitely their eyes. If they have sincere, captivating eyes.. it's one of the biggest turn ons. Also, their smile. A killer smile goes a long way. All of what you described is nice as well ( ;

What is your opinion on the issue of GLOBAL WARMING and Ozone Depletion?

the earth has been going through multiple climate changes over millions and millions of years, just look at the Ice Age as a prime example. global warming is merely the earth cycling through one of its many weather changes, which is probably resulting from a polar shift on its axis(the recent Japanese earthquake knocked us about 8 miles off-center).

Flu and popping ears..Is that normal?

You've probably developed a secondary bacterial infection, in both your ear and throat and possibly nose. If you have green phlegm that almost always signals an infection. And the congestion from your nose might have moved down your Etruscan tubes and caused an infection this time. See a dr. to get treated with antibiotics if needed.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Menstruation - unclean?

I've never understood why people think that. Yeah, it sucks sometimes and hurts pretty bad, but it's completely natural and it's been a determination as to how and when people arrived on this planet for a really long time. :)

I need a great movie to watch with my boyfriend?

I want to watch a movie that both of us will love, but I like movies like Juno and Whip It, and he thinks they're chick movies. Then his movies are movies like Super Troopers and I hate them. Any ideas?

My computer has been running really slow and i dont know why?

Formatting really not easy or wanted. You always miss something later that you didn't want to lose. I'd shoot for an earlier date that worked ok to do a system restore. You'll need to do an optimize or clear up temp, and old files and programs you don't use. You'll need to do fragment also after the system restore.

My Father is not my father? Opinions please! 10 pts?

just be honest w/him the way you where on here. Let him know you miss the relationship that you had. How heart wrenching for him.

I feel so lonely i dont know what to do</3?

im in highschool and i am quite pretty and have a good personality but no one seems to want to get to know me, i have my own group of friends but they all go off with their boyfriends now and i dont have a boyfriend i dont know why i cant get one because i have tried so hard on my looks and attiude, and even in online chat no one talks to me and even if i start the convo off its lke simple answers that they couldnt careless what should i do? :(

World National Lending Scam?

Have any been ripped off by World National Lending? Rep. Dennis Johnson contacting you and trying to get you to western union money to Canada. This is a scam do not do it!

Explain why extraterrestrial influences your community are a natural part of earth system of evolution?

I live in jacksonville. [ I am from miami. i hate it here! ahk! ] I am doing a brochure for my science cl. and idk nothing about jville. so . PLEASE TELL ME WHY IT INFLUENCES THIS COMMUNITY. thanks:)

Is my PSAT score good?

Hello. I'm a junior from Arizona. I took the PSAT in October. I scored a 70 in critical reading, a 66 in math, and a 76 in writing, making my selection index 212. This score puts me in the 99th percentile. Am I a strong National Merit semifinalist candidate or more likely a "commended?"

Radioactive Exponential Decay?

Two substances, A and B are radio active. The 1/2 life of A is double the 1/2 life of B and the m of A is 1/3 the m of B. If both have the same m at 20 years, find the half lives of each of the substances.

Why is ron paul the only one that understands the currency scam america is in?

If you took all the dollars in the world you couldn't pay off our debt because base money is less than all money banks created out of thin air! This keeps the people slaves to the banks. We have to go back to a value in exchange for value economy. Why is ron paul the only one that understands this. Liberals say they support the middle cl but rant we should increase the debt ceiling making us even more of a slave to the bank instead of talking about monetary reform.

Why did NYC Mayor Rudy Giuliani, melt down and destroy 99% of the evidence at ground zero, and sell it to chin?

"It isn't that liberals are ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so" ~ Ronald Reagan

Did I do this right? machine language?

That is correct. But why do you say "Machine Language"? Is it C++, Javascript, Java or something like that that your working in or what?

Do I have to pay costs for ground rent demands?

I bought a house in 2008 which was a leasehold property. Shortly after I bought it I let it out to a tenant. A few weeks ago my tenant gave me a letter which was addressed to me from the freeholder demanding chief ground rent. The letter stated I owed ground rent dating back to 2008 which is correct, but also added �70 costs as they were taking recovery action. I had never received a letter before this as they were presumably going to my tenants at the property address. I have written and told them this but they still insist I am liable for the costs as well as the rent. Is this correct, as it is not my fault they have incurred these costs? I have also sent payment for the rent but they sent the cheque back.

Jazz in Atlanta GA tonight?

I will be in ATL tonight looking to go to see some good jazz. Preferably somewhere downtown in a looking over the city? anyone?

LOGO TEES online please?

i am extremely skinny so im an XS and i want to find a website where i can get really cute logo tees i have already checked delias and bought almost all thier logo tees and alloy and david and goliaths so please give me a website that sells really cute logo tees besides target i already checked nada so plase bring me a website thats sells i mean CUTE logo tees anchor blue i checked bought thier logo tees outside i want tees like that like anchour blue tillys i checked and bought a few so if you find me a cute website that sells CUTE XS logo tess i reallly will be happy!♥ forever 21 i checked it and bought a few now urban outfitters was too big! Small bust i go to middle school so it has to be apporiate! Thank you!♥♥♥

Internal filter?

I just bought a new tank for 2 guppies that i got today. it is small, it is an Tetra Whisper Filter. I am hesitant to put them in because i know people whose fish get sucked in. The full name is Tetra Whisper In-Tank 3i. It says it is for small fish, but... Just help me please?!

I have a percent Ionization Problem I really need help on.?

It is found that when a solution containing 39.2 grams of H2SO4 in 1000 grams of water is prepared, the H2SO4 dissociates completely into H+ and HSO4-1 and that 17.8 % of the HSO4-1 further dissociates into H+1 and SO4-2. Calculate the freezing point of the solution.

Who is the one member of the Baseball Hall of Fame That Should Not be There?

There are many that one might find marginal or questionable. Who is yours? I'll reveal mine after a few answers.

Did I Mess Up My Chances With Her?

Girls are weird. She was probably upset that you didn't want to carry her. lol. Im sure she'll get over it within a day or two.

Can I plug a standard SATA optical drive into a SATA 6.0gb/s port on my motherboard?

If it matters I have a Asus P8P67 LE P67 Socket 1155 USB 3.0 8 Channel Audio ATX Motherboard and a Samsung SH-S223L 22x DVD�RW DL & RAM with LightScribe SATA Optical Drive, why you ask, because I need the other SATA ports for hard drives ect.

I need your opinion on who I should start?

I think Phillip Rivers and Brandon Jacobs should be starting because Phillip Rivers is playing the San Francisco 49ers who's Defense gives up quite a few points. They are playing in San Diego. Brandon Jacobs dis very good last game so he may do the same this game.

Help!!! Please! easy 10 points!!!!!?

The mayans used hieroglyphs, and the slave trade route was the Middle page. Not sure what the second question is actually talking about, sorry.

How to apologise for love?

I have a habit of forming infatuation sometimes. I liked this guy and didn't want to ruin it so acted cool but he kissed me one day, then told me nothing could happen because of selfish time. After that I noticed him flirting with other girls and began to lose it. I really cared about him but in times became infatuated. Especially when he would get drunk and kiss me or come home with me. I ended up writing him a sincere love letter but we were drunk and had . The next day we spoke he said I wanted too much too fast and felt I was obsessed. I broke down and got upset I felt heartbroken. He said he was scared and wanted space. I didn't give it to him. We argued but he apologised...I did but it was a selfish apology. I realise now I got confused and it got to me in a bad day and I became infatuated. I am now not, I now just care for him and hate myself for scaring him. I am giving him space, it's been 2 weeks nc. I want to show him not be scared and fix things. How? I feel awful.