Sunday, November 13, 2011

Christian View of Harry Potter?

What is your view on the Harry Potter books and movies? I'm 14, a Christian, and I really like the books and movies. My mom waited until she believed I was old enough to watch the movies, and then read the books. I'm not bashing people who don't really want their children involved in Harry Potter. It's their choice. However, I am getting sick of other Christians looking on Christians who DO like the books/movies as sooo bad. I believe that you should wait until your child is old enough to be firm in their faith and know that witchcraft in the real world is evil and against the Bible. It's all in WHEN you introduce them to it. I think I was about 11 when I started to (but I am quite mature for my age). I mean come on, it's only books and movies, Christian parents should be more worried about violent video games. And look at Lord of the Rings, it has wizardry in there, as well as the Narnia books. So why don't those get a bad wrap? I just don't get it.

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